Ngakma Nor’dzin, 1997

Spacious Passion

Ngakma Nordzin explores the sutric teaching of ‘The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to Practice’ as vividly relevant to our everyday lives: the extraordinarily precious opportunity to live as an honourable human being; the experience of impermanence that pervades our existence as an opportunity to awaken; the emotional and psychological patterning which dominates our lives; and the seemingly endless cycle of dissatisfaction in which we imprison ourselves. This clear, direct and incisive commentary will be enjoyed equally by those who are new to Buddhism as well as experienced practitioners. Each chapter ends with a series of questions and answers which are both pragmatic and inspirational.

Sister Sites

Ngakma Nor’dzin blog
Aro Websites

Spacious Passion Book cover
Infinite Impermanence: pullquote – our opportunity to discover presence.

Featured Image

Infinite Impermanence: pullquote – our opportunity to discover presence.

Featured Page

Irrational Reason: focus – it is important to eventually settle down and commit to one group.